USR Academic Projects & Resources

The Academic Resources and University Social Responsibility Projects that have been carried out and remain active from the Department of Psychology are the following:

Interdisciplinary accompaniment – Association for the Comprehensive Care of Street Children AIDEINICA

The project aims to collaborate with the well-being and development of children, adolescents and young people of the Association for the Comprehensive Care of Street Children – ADEINICA. Within the framework of this accompaniment, in 2013, the programmed activity "Workshop: Improving our self-esteem" was carried out, with the active participation of 32 people who make up this institution. For this workshop, a series of activities were deployed with the participants, touching on topics such as the self-recognition of strengths and weaknesses, with the intention of enhancing personal resources.

Training of Psychological Brigades

The Psychological Brigades (BP) are groups of psychologists, psychology students and teachers, who go to communities to help them after emergencies and disasters. Activities 2013 March: training program focused on the theme of psychological brigades.



March: training program focused on the theme of psychological brigades. To this end, the professors of the Department of Psychology participated: Tesania Velásquez, César Pezo, Miryam Rivera and Evelyn Seminario, who transmitted their experiences and knowledge on the topics of brigades and work and intervention in disaster situations.


Trips of Psychological Brigades to the areas of:

  • Caravelí, Arequipa
  • Sacsamarca, Ayacucho
  • Paruro, Cusco
Community Accompaniment Teams (EAC)

The EACs are groups of volunteers who work together with communities on a regular basis and in relation to topics that they propose for the improvement of their psychosocial well-being.

EAC 'How to Play' Project

This project works with the management of a community toy library in the area of Sacsamarca (Ayacucho), where we work together with children and their families. In addition, we have a team of facilitators, former students of our specialty.

EAC 'Proyecto Artesanos', work with the Enrique Rebuschini hostel: 

The project consists of joint learning workshops based on art with adolescent children and their mothers in a home for cancer patients in the district of Surquillo. There is a team of volunteers, students of the specialty of Psychology, as well as students of the faculties of Art and Performing Arts.

EAC Caravelí: 

This project will provide training to health personnel on issues related to community mental health.

School of Christian Formation (EFC) – Psicopedagogía San Juan de Lurigancho

The project, which has been running for 32 years, seeks to contribute to the integral development of the laity committed to the parishes and organizations (Vasos de leche, soup kitchens, among others) in the district of San Juan de Lurigancho. This effort is part of a strategic alliance with parishes and a group of organizations in the district. This experience currently involves the participation of teachers, interns and graduates of PUCP, who have always been involved in the school's operation.

Guide for Psychology Teachers

This document describes a series of guidelines that seek to orient the incorporation of the University Social Responsibility (USR) approach in the teaching and research work carried out by Psychology professors. For its elaboration, a series of official documents of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) related to the USR approach and the criteria for conducting academic research were reviewed. Some of them were: a) RSU Policy of Psychology, b) Institutional Strategic Plan of the PUCP 2018-2022, c) Book of University Social Responsibility at the Pontifical University of Peru, d) RSU Approach of the PUCP, e) Information brochure on the Granting of Credits for RSU, f) Psychology Research Guide and g) the Diagnosis of the realization of RSU actions by teachers of the Department of Psychology 2019.

Here you can see and download the guide: Guide for the Psychology Teacher