
The University Social Responsibility of the Department of Psychology is a collective space created by professors with the purpose of responding to the demands and social problems of Peru, through the articulation of initiatives led by professors that convene psychology students and graduates, as well as other members of the university community. The USR approach is incorporated in the Department of Psychology in order to promote responsible social involvement in teaching, which is made visible in the different training, research and public engagement actions.

Aimed at

It is aimed at favoring the development and strengthening of personal, theoretical and technical resources of teachers, promoting the integration of social reality to the university teaching practice. In addition, it aims to foster the interest of Psychology teachers at PUCP to contribute to people in situations of oppression and social exclusion. It also seeks to enhance the formative relationship between teachers and students through the realization of social responsibility projects, which are carried out from an organized and elaborated work by all parties. It is, therefore, a space of permanent training for students, graduates and teachers, which seeks to promote processes of collaboration and mutual enrichment with society and its needs.


To promote and consolidate university social responsibility in the training and research carried out by the Department and the Specialty of Psychology. This goal is achieved through the promotion of academic activities of reflection on university social responsibility; promotion, prevention and psychosocial intervention actions; the accompaniment and supervision of professionals and students involved in MSW projects; and active participation in networks and spaces for public advocacy.

Its political dimension seeks to respond from diagnosis, research, evaluation and psychological intervention, to the demands and social problems that we have as a country. Likewise, it seeks to incorporate the learning generated in the interaction with a complex reality in the teaching work, thus arousing concern for the other, for their needs and for the recognition of diversity.

Lines of action

Lines of action are established that aim to guide the work carried out by teachers in the Psychology career, complementing and enhancing academic and professional work, building an experience of USR based on dissemination, knowledge development, training and psychosocial intervention.

The Honorary Doctorate Medal is the highest distinction awarded by the University to outstanding national and international personalities: