Objectives of the Unit's Development Plan 2023-2027
Axis 1: Academic Excellence and Innovation
Improve the quality of teacher training in the Department of Psychology by developing digital competencies and logical understanding in the use of new technologies in teachers.
Ensure the quality of the faculty of the Department of Psychology, with respect to the suitability of new teachers, pre-service teachers and training based on competency-based teaching.
Promote the development of research skills in teachers.
Axis 2: Promotion of Research, Innovation and Creation (RIC)
Disseminate the activities and research products developed by the Psychology Department's professors and research groups, under international academic standards, guaranteeing their dissemination and transfer.
Axis 3: Internationalization: Towards a Global Education
Increase the number and impact of internationalization activities and international experiences for the Department's faculty.
Manage the national and international presence of the Department of Psychology, in order to strengthen the institutional linkage with individuals and strategic networks.
Ensure the participation of the Psychology Department faculty in Research, Innovation and Creation (RIC) projects and in academic events of national and international scope.
Axis 4: Contribution to Our Society and Catholic Identity
Promote initiatives and proposals for research and intervention in USR, multi-stakeholder collaboration (academia, private sector, civil society, public sector, Church), which generate links and shared learning, as well as increase knowledge about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 agenda to contribute to the reduction of inequalities in the country.
Develop academic activities or RSU projects with inter-university networks (ENARSU, RPU, Consortium and others), intra-university or related inter-institutional networks (Sunedu, Minedu, the Church, etc.), to strengthen academic training, research, management and links with the environment.
Strengthen and implement volunteerism with an RSU approach, which promotes the participation of faculty, graduates and students of Psychology, as well as the different actors and units of the community PUCP.
Create the conditions to increase the production, relevance and incidence of research with social impact of the faculty of the Department of Psychology.
Strengthen the relationship of the Department of Psychology with the Departments and Faculties of Psychology of the RPU universities, promoting bidirectional collaboration and the development of joint activities and projects.
Axis 5: Community PUCP: Inclusive, Tolerant and Diverse in Constant Dialogue
Promote a culture based on gender equality and respectful of diversity from the Psychology Department.
Strengthen the positioning of the Psychology Department in the PUCP and the sense of belonging of the teachers.
Axis 6: Digital Transformation
Advance the transition to an integrated set of information systems that can be upgraded and scaled, ensuring interoperability, in order to facilitate online access to information relevant to the governance and management of the Psychology Department.
Consolidate the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory of the Department of Psychology, through the design and execution of computer-controlled neurobehavioral experiments.
Axis 7: Governance and Strengthening of Institutional Management
Monitor and evaluate the internal academic and administrative processes of the Department, aimed at continuous improvement, leading to the optimal fulfillment of the strategic objectives of the Unit.